DMPQ: List down the basic function of Panchayati Raj department in Rajasthan

Decentralizing the decision making process is a fundamental policy of democratic setup. India achieved this by pasing 73rd and 74th CAA. Rajasthan has always been pioneer in empowering local self government. Panchayati Raj system was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of the country, Pandit JawaharlalNehru, on 2nd October, 1959 in Nagaur, Rajasthan.

Basic Functions of Panchayati Raj Department/

Institutions are:

  • To ensure the decentralization as per the spirit of73rd constitutional amendment.
  • Effective Implementation of PanchayatsExtension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Rules.
  • All administrative/establishment mattersincluding recruitments of PRI’s Functionaries.
  • Building up of the organizational capacity ofPRIs, the professional capacity of ElectedRepresentatives with special focus on womenrepresentatives and the functionaries, so thatthey can perform their mandated roleseffectively.
  • Institutionalizing and using integrateddecentralized participatory planning throughthe Panchayati Raj Institutions and DistrictPlanning Committees for convergence ofplethora of schemes and pooling of diverseresources for better outcomes.


  • Monitoring and implementation of variousSchemes (FFC, SFC V, Untied Fund for PRIs)including State and Central flagshipprogrammes [Swatch Bharat mission(Rural)] ofthe Government that directly touch the lives ofthe poor in rural areas and promote inclusivegrowth.
  • Mitigating regional backwardness throughPRIs.
  • Access to sanitation and clean environmentalfacilities to all in a time bound manner with thefunctional arrangement for solid and liquidwaste management.
  • To enable all households to have access to anduse toilets and to ensure that all governmentschools and anganwadis have functional toilets,urinals.
  • Supporting the Panchayats to achievetransparency and accountability in their

functioning through e-enablement.


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