CREDA – Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency
CREDA – Chhattisgarh State Renewable Energy Development Agency, has been constituted on 25th May 2001 under the Department of Energy, Government of Chhattisgarh for implementation of various schemes pertaining to Renewable Energy sources and Energy Conservation activities. It is registered under Society Act 1973 with the controlling body being Energy Department, Govt. of Chhattisgarh. CREDA is established as the State Nodal Agency by State Govt. for development and promotion of non-conventional & renewable sources of energy. Most of the scheme like National Programme on Bio-gas Development, Solar Thermal, Solar Photo Voltaic, Remote Village Electrification and Biomass Gasifier, sponsored by Ministry of Non-Conventional & Renewable Energy Sources (MNRE), Government of India are implemented by CREDA.
- Promote policies and programmes necessary for popularizing the applications of various new and renewable energy technologies in the State.
- Development and popularization of non-conventional & renewable sources of energy and energy conservation activities in the State of Chhattisgarh.
- Sponsor, co-ordinate and promote programmes or demonstration projects in the areas of new and renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency.
- Provide technical and financial assistance for extension of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects for Chhattisgarh State.
- Assist the Govt. of India and Govt. of Chhattisgarh in implementation of Renewable Energy programmes and Energy Efficiency and its Conservation.
- Proactively fulfill mandates of the EC Act 2001 in co-ordination with Central & State Governments and other stakeholders.
- To promote use of energy efficient technologies, equipments, processes and devices.
- Information dissemination and public awareness on use of renewable energy sources and energy conservation.
- Pursue power projects based on renewable energy for private sector by creating suitable policy environment.
- Support large scale distribution & marketing of standalone renewable energy devices.
Recent updates about CREDA
CREDA has invested Rs 400 crores during last 11 years in developing infrastructure for solar power generation which had resulted in 40 MW of electricity being generated from non conventional energy sources.
The agency will be installing a total of 10,000 submersible and surface solar photo voltaic (SPV) irrigation pumps in farm lands soon across the State.
The State currently has total renewable energy potential of 4,500 MW which includes solar (grid connected and roof top), wind, biomass and small hydro.
The State has also planned to install solar powered pump sets for agriculture consumers which will benefit 16,000 consumers.
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