Science & Technology, Environment-RAS/RTS Mains Topic wise Solved Question Papers

Guess Questions:-

  1. Astrosat
  2. GAGAN
  3. Ballistic Missile
  4. Rafale
  5. Carbon Nano Tube
  6. Bio remediation
  7. Wide Area Network
  8. DNA Finger Printing
  9. Naxavar Dispute
  10. CDMA
  11. WiMAX
  12. Doping
  13. 2nd Generation Vaccine
  14. Bio Diesel
  15. Forensics Science technology
  16. What is shale gas and write the methods of extraction of Gas.
  17. Write the use of Robot in industry.
  18. Write the name of agriculture research institutions in Rajasthan
  19. What is super conductivity and write applications
  20. What is digital signature
  21. Geosynchronous satellite launching vehicle
  22. Aakash missile
  23. Recombinant DNA Technology .
  24. What is biometric System.
  25. What is Copyright rules in India.
  26. What is 3D Printing and write the Application.
  27. Write the Application of Bio technology in Agriculture field.
  28. Describe the methods use for food preservation.
  29. Describe the role of Russia in development of defence Technology in India.
  30. Mars orbitor mission is the Great Achievement of ISRO in space field Explain it.
  31. Write the Application of Nano technology
  32. What is e-Governance, Describe the aim, Procedure and problem related to the e-governance?
  33. Describe the importance of science and technology in development of India.

Other Important Terms

  1. Parsec
  2. Light year
  3. Metric System
  4. Crescograph
  5. Radar
  6. Quantum Mechanics
  7. Tribology
  8. Bhramgupt
  9. Escape Velocity
  10. Raman Effect
  11. Mirage
  12. Myopia
  13. Hyper Metropia
  14. LASER
  15. Rheostat
  16. Rectifier
  17. Transmitter
  18. Nuclear Fusion
  19. Nuclear Fission
  20. Cyclotron
  21. C-14
  22. Thorium
  23. Uranium Dating
  24. Heavy Water
  25. Solar Battery
  26. Radioactive Substances
  27. Tarapur
  28. Kalpakkam
  29. The Analytical Engine
  30. Colossus
  31. C-DAC
  32. Computer Virus
  33. LAM
  34. MAN
  35. WAN
  36. ALU
  37. MODEM
  38. RAM
  39. ROM
  40. COBOL
  41. BASIC
  43. Aryabhat
  44. Black Box
  45. Barak
  46. Cryogenics
  47. Nag
  48. Astra
  49. Tachyon
  50. Prithvi Missile
  51. German Silver
  52. Plaster of Paris (POP)
  53. Shorya
  54. Hansa
  55. Indra
  56. MatSat
  57. AT&T
  58. AMD
  60. Positron
  61. Neutrino
  62. Quark
  63. Phonon
  64. Alpha Particle
  65. Graphite
  66. Dry Ice
  67. Laughing Gas
  68. pH
  69. Helium
  70. Mustard Gas
  71. Teflon
  72. Cholesterol
  73. Aspirin
  74. Carbonic Acid
  75. Lactic Acid
  76. Citric Acid
  77. Acetic Acid
  78. Euro Standards
  79. Zinc Oxides
  80. Amoeba
  81. Joules
  82. Richter Scale
  83. Water jet Technique
  84. Chandrashekhar
  85. CV Raman
  86. Newton
  87. Weightlessness
  88. Hydraulic Breaks
  89. Holography
  90. Optical Fibers
  91. Primary Colours
  92. Diffraction
  93. Total Internal Reflection
  94. Cylindrical Lens
  95. Colour Spectrum
  96. Black Hole
  97. SONAR
  98. Mach Number
  99. Dynamo’s
  100. Internet
  101. Tim Burner
  102. Search Engine
  103. BASIC
  104. Integrated Circuits
  105. Geostationary Satellites
  106. Cryogenics
  107. GPS
  108. GLONASS
  110. Cryogenic
  111. Prithvi 2
  112. AEWC&C
  113. Agni 2
  114. Ozone Layer
  115. APPLA
  116. Raja Rammana
  117. Arjun
  118. Brahmos
  119. ITER
  120. CERN
  121. Dakshin Gangotri
  122. Isotopes
  123. Physical Changes
  124. Chemical Changes
  125. Pasteurization
  126. Freezing Mixture
  127. Fog
  128. Smog
  129. Sublimate
  130. Bauxite
  131. Types of Coal
  132. Tear Gas
  133. Hard Water
  134. Acid Rain
  135. CFC
  136. Green House Effect
  137. Fullerene
  138. Alcohol
  139. Polymerization
  140. Polethene
  141. Rubber
  142. Benzoic Acid
  143. Thyroxin
  144. Carbon Mono Oxide
  145. RDX
  146. LPG
  147. CNG
  148. Gasohol
  149. Detergents
  150. Soaps
  151. Carbon Trading
  152. Paleobotany
  153. Gerontology
  154. Pedology
  155. Archaeopteryx
  156. Mutation Theory
  157. Lamarck
  158. Dinasaurs
  159. Natural Selection
  160. Cheeta
  161. Cro-Magron
  162. Darwin
  163. Whale
  164. Dolphin
  165. Amphibia
  166. Octopus
  167. Tics
  168. Mites
  169. Spider
  170. EEG
  171. Casein
  172. Vitamin K
  173. Haemophilia
  174. Turmeric
  175. Saffron
  176. Cloves
  177. Cork
  178. Garlic
  179. Silk Worm
  180. Quinine
  181. Dialysis
  182. Seal
  183. Nocturnal Animals
  184. Ecological Niche
  185. Solar Energy
  186. Virus
  187. DDT
  188. Bacteria
  189. Epiphytes
  190. Phenylketonuria
  191. Insulin
  192. Jaundice
  193. Malaria
  194. Jumping Gene
  195. Dolly
  196. IVF
  197. Azotobacter
  198. Tuberculosis
  199. Biodiesel
  200. Morphine
  201. Sex Chromosome
  202. Gene Synthesis
  203. Protein Synthesis
  204. Carotene
  205. Human Chromosome
  206. Orthoplasty
  207. Near Sightedness
  208. Cornea
  209. Long Sightedness
  210. Blood Pressure
  211. Limphocytes
  212. RBC
  213. WBC
  215. Universal Donor
  216. Universal Acceptor
  217. Blood Clotting
  218. Antigens
  219. Liver
  220. Rafflesia
  221. Photosynthesis
  222. Lichen
  223. Micro Nutrients
  224. Vitamin D
  225. Night Blindness
  226. Enzymes
  227. Kwashiorkor
  228. Oxytocin
  229. Adrenaline
  230. Thyroxin
  231. Astrogin
  232. TSH
  233. Insulin
  234. Master Gland
  235. Acetelene
  236. Formic Acid
  237. Computed Tomography
  238. Guniea Worm
  239. Cuscuta
  240. Cancer
  241. Anthrophobia
  242. Hysteria
  243. DPT Vaccine
  244. Alzheimer
  245. Polio Vaccine
  246. Athlete’s Foot
  247. Ronald Ross
  248. Rhinovirus
  249. Down Syndrome
  250. BCG
  251. White Rust
  252. Black Rust
  253. Allergy
  254. Plague
  255. Sleeping Sickness
  256. 2,4-D
  257. Small Pox
  258. Elephantiasis
  259. Colour Blindness
  260. ELISA Test
  261. Bright’s Disease
  262. Foot and Mouth Disease
  263. Thalassemia
  264. Green Revolution
  265. Tyrosine
  266. liver fluke
  267. Dropsy
  268. DNA
  269. BT Gene
  270. Terminator Seeds
  271. Golden Rice
  272. DNA Finger Printing
  273. Transgenic
  274. Role of CSIR in Scientific development.
  275. Nuclear Reactors
  276. Nuclear Energy





1- Unified Extensible Filmware Interface(UEFI) 2010. 2

2- Generic Medicine 2010. 2

3- K-4 Missiles 2010. 2

4- Subrahmanayam Chandrashekar 2010. 2


5- Biological Clock 2008. 2

6- Eugenics 2008. 2

7- Isotopes 2008. 2

8- Transgenic crops 2008. 2

9- GENE 2008. 2

10- Eutrofication 2008. 4

11- What is Environment Impact Assesment? Answer in Detail 2008. 6

12- Tell about by products of Petroleum 2008. 6


13- WiFi Technology 2007. 2

14- Petrology 2007 2

15- Meningitis 2007. 2

16- What is Red Bio Technology? 2007 4

17- What do you mean by 3G Technique? 2007 4

18- What do you mean by ecological degradation?2007 4

19- What are the main features of a green fuel?2007 4

20- What is DNA Finger Printing? Explain?2007 4


21- Cybernetics 2003. 2

22- Haemophillia 2003. 2

23- Paran Padam 2003. 2

24- Satish Dhavan 2003. 2

25- How tobacco is harmful to the health & society? Give ways to control its harmful effects 2003. 6

26- How satellites are usefull in the growth and development of communication infrastructure and environment 2003? 6


27- Congentric C.L.P 2003. 2

28- Earth Day 2003. 2

29- A.T.M. 2003 2

30- Hubble. 2003 2

31- Define Social Medical Science. 2003 4

32- Explain Global Warming. 2003 4

33- Define and Explain “Skin” 2003 4

34- Explain Information super highway. 2003 4

35- Explain the use of Chemo Therapy and Radio Therapy in Cancer. 2003 6

36- Explain Languages of Computer:- BASIC,COBOL,PASCAL and Computer Virus.2003 6


37- What is the use of scientific instrument called Creseography? 1999 2

38- Who invented the following- (a)Sewing Machine (b)Pneumatic Tyre. 1999 2

39- What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?1999 4

40- What are ecological studies and why have they become important in recent times?1999 4


41- Hydrophonics.1997 2

42- Difference between Coal and Coke.1997 2

43- Why do we have nose bleeding while scaling high altitudes?1997 2

44- Cybernetics.1997 2

45- Eco- Tourism.1997 4

46- What is Osteomalacia?1997 4

47- Integrated Service Digital Network(INDS) 1997. 4

48- Write a brief note on Wildlife and Forest Conservation. 1997 6

49- Trace the progress of Space Research in India since the 1960’s. 1997 6

50- What are the essentials of Food and  what is a balanced diet?  1997 6


51- Science of Cryogenics and Ecology. 1996 2

52- Green House Effect. 1996 2

53- Optical Fibre. 1996 2

54- Anemometer. 1996 2

55- Richter Scale. 1996 2

56- Environmental Degradation. 1996 4

57-(a)The Internet (b) ISRO(Indian Space Research Organisation). 1996 4


58- Tissue Culture. 1994 2

59- Carbon Dating. 1994 2

60- Why does ice floats on water but sinks in alchol?1994 2

61- What are natural and man made fibres?1994 4

62- Briefly describe Satellite Communication.1994 4

63- Describe various Petroleum products and their uses.1994 6

64- Write a short note on wildlife and their preservation in Rajasthan.1994 6


65- Sericulture. 1991 2

66- Tide. 1991 2

67- Laser 1991. 2

68- Vitamins 1991. 2

69- Computer 1991. 4

70- Bacteria and Virus 1991. 4

71-(a)Whay are cloudy nights warmer? (b) Why water pipes bursts in extremely cold weather? 1991 4

72- Shooting star. 1991 2


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