DMPQ-Questions represent a very powerful technique of parliamentary control over expenditure. Justify

. The right to ask questions was given for the first time to the legislators by the Act of 1892 and for asking supplementary questions in 1909. A question is a request made by a member for an oral explanation from the concerned minister. However, a notice of 10 days has to be given to the concerned minister before a question can be asked. But if a matter is urgent, then, a shorter notice is enough. The questions are classified into two categories-starred and unstarred. The questions marked with a star are answered orally and the unstarred ones get a written answer.

In the Indian Parliament, the questions raised by members on the various issues of the conduct of government, including its finance, have had great impact. It is well known how Feroz Gandhi’s one set of questions led to the unravelling of the Mundra Scandal, that eventually shook the whole Central government. It added a new chapter to India’s parliamentary history. The report of the Chagla Commission of inquiry on the LIC financial deals is a document that can still provide useful guidelines of right conduct for the ministers and the civil servants.

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