Animal husbandry in Maharashtra

Animal husbandry in Maharashtra


Breeding Policy for Poultry

  • Breeding policy for poultry aims at increased production of eggs and poultry meat by increasing productivity of native poultry birds and introduction of new species of poultry birds.
  • The Policy mainly covers chicken, Japanese Quail and Duck. Other species of poultry birds may continue to be bred by private sector initiatives.
  • Breeding Policy for chicken breeds mainly covers the species suitable for back yard poultry and low investment poultry. Breeds for commercial poultry involve import of germplasm and parent line which will be determined by Government of India Policy in this regard and will continue to be carried out primarily by private sector initiatives.
  • Considerable work has been done by ICAR Institutions such as CARI in cross-breeding indigenous chicken breeds with exotic breeds and thereby developing a new breed, where it is shown that both egg and meat production can be increased as compared to Desi / Indigenous stocks. However, these data are from the research farms. Some of the cross-breeds produced by ICAR Institutions have been supplied to back yard poultry units in States like AP, MP, Karnataka, Kerala etc. It will be desirable that the production performance and economics of production at these breeds is verified by the Department of Animal Husbandry of the State. Expert Committee headed by Additional Commissioner (livestock development) will identify public-sector breeds suitable for introduction in backyard poultry from time to time. At present the breeds developed by ICAR Institutions and recommended for the State by the said Expert Committee, such as , Giriraj, Vanraj and CARI-Nirbhik have been selected for the purpose of up-grading desi poultry birds. State owned Central Hatcheries shall maintain foundation stock of these selected breeds and take steps to make male birds, pullets, day-old chicks, hatching eggs etc available for breeding and multiplication at farmers end through their sales outlets and talukas level poultry farms etc.
  • State will continue to supply crossbred stocks of improved breeds like RIR, Black Australorp for low investment commercial poultry. For this purpose, these types of stocks may also be maintained in the central hatcheries and poultry farms owned by State.
  • State will continue to have Duck farm for supply of foundation stock of selected ducks breeds such as Khaki Campbell. Duck-fish farming shall also be tried in suitable areas.
  • State will introduce Japanese quail also in production chain at one or more of its central hatcheries for distribution of breeding material. Suitable licensing system for farming of Japanese quail will be introduced to prevent killing of Indian Quail in violation of Wild-life Protection Act.
  • Until validated information about breeds, breeding pattern, disease pattern, product development, market-development and economics etc are available and activity is found to be viable, other bird species such as Emu, Turkey and Ostrich etc. will be kept open largely for introduction by private sector initiative.

Feed, Fodder, Animal Nutrition and Grazing Policy

It is observed that fodder crop cultivation is not up to the desired level. Usually the animals are fed with food crop residues. Only few progressive farmers and organized dairymen undertake feeding of chaffed fodder to the animals. Stocking of dry fodder in form of silage is also restricted to few places. The waste lands and gairans have not been developed as grazing lands. It is observed that green fodder and concentrate feed is supplied only to the productive animals (that too when they are in production). The dry-pregnant cows and buffalo heifers and male calves do not receive the desired nutritious feed on account of negligence of owner. At present there is no legislation for regulation of the quality of cattle & poultry feed.

Following measures are therefore necessary and will be introduced

  1. Cattle & poultry feed manufacturing should be freed from reservation for small- scale sector.
  2. Promoting the farmers to put at least 10% of the total cultivable land for fodder crop production while making their crop-plan. For this area specific fodder varieties will be identified and developed as is being done by Uttranchal Livestock Development Board.
  3. Development of waste lands / gairans into community pasture lands through systematic efforts of green cover augmentation under soil & water conservation schemes with involvement of village panchayats and NGOs.
  4. Democratization of management of grazing areas on forest land through effective implementation of joint-forest management and giving priority to plant and grass species which provide good quantity and quality of green fodder.

Livestock Policy for Health Care

  1. State is, at present, providing health care services for livestock through its District Polyclinics, Mini-Polyclinics and Dispensaries in local sector. It aims at providing mini-polyclinics in each taluka in phased manner. Similarly, one veterinary dispensary headed by a graduate veterinarian is aimed to be provided for 5000 cattle unit in general areas and for 3000 cattle unit in hilly and tribal areas. However, in Municipal Corporation / council areas the local body will be primarily responsible for veterinary health care.
  2. Veterinary heath-care includes disease prevention, disease diagnosis & surveillance, disease control and disease eradication and treatment of ailing animal etc. It promotes initiatives for providing door-delivery of animal health services and AI services through participation of unemployed veterinarians and non-governmental organizations largely under private investment.
  3. State’s Policy in to livestock health-care is to have integrated alternative systems of medicine e.g. Aurvedic, Unani and Homeopathic with allopathic system of medicine at the core; only after validating the components of indigenous system.
  4. State is committed to join central government’™s initiatives for disease prevention, disease control, disease eradication, disease diagnosis and surveillance and creation of disease free zone including zoonotic diseases under scheme like ASCAD and FMD-CP etc.
  5. State is committed to effective service delivery by its net work of regional disease investigation laboratories with referral laboratory at Pune. It shall strive to extend the services effectively to other States in Western region through its laboratory at Pune which has been recognized by Government of India as Western Regional Disease Diagnostic Laboratory.
  6. Special emphasis will be laid in creating awareness for control of zoonotic diseases and veterinary drug abuse to safe guard human health.

Breeding Policy for Buffaloes

Target for Genetic Up-gradation

  • Breeding Policy for buffalo is in consonance with National Project for Cattle & Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB)
  • It aims at increased productivity of buffaloes by genetic improvement. However, it also aims at conservation of native breeds.
  • In order to achieve self sufficiency in milk production it is aimed to achieve a level of 60% in respect of genetically improved buffaloes by end of year 2015 (instead of the year 2010 as envisaged under NPCBB due to delayed implementation of the said project in the state) and to further improve it to 80% by the end of year 2025.
  • This is expected to be achieved through the consolidated and collective efforts of all the agencies engaged in buffalo breeding activity viz. State Animal Husbandry Department, Co-operative Milk Unions, NGOs, Private Sector Agencies and unorganized AI workers in the state.


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