DMPQ:What are the objectives of Nutrient based subsidy scheme?

Nutrient bases subsidy scheme is to ensure balanced use of fertilizers and to improve agriculture productivity. The major features of NBS are:

Under the NBS Policy, a fixed amount of subsidy decided on annual basis isprovided on each grade of the subsidized Phosphatic & Potassic (P&K) fertilizersdepending upon its nutrient content.Minimum Retail Price (MRP) of P&K fertilizers has been left open and the manufacturers/importers/ marketers are allowed to fix MRP of P&K fertilizers atreasonable level. MRP will be decided taking into account the international and domestic prices ofP&K fertilizers, exchange rate, and inventory level in the country. 22 grades of P&K fertilizers namely DAP, MAP, TSP, MOP, Ammonium Sulphate, SSPand 16 grades of NPKS (Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P), Potash (K) and Sulphur (S).complex fertilizers are covered under the NBS Policy.

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