DMPQ: What are the function of chief secretary of Rajasthan?

The Chief secretary of the state enjoys the senior most position held in the civil services of the state and union territories of India. The functions of Chief secretary are as follows: Adviser to the CM: Chief- Secretary acts as an advisor to the CM. Being head of the permanent executive branch he strives for a … Read more

DMPQ: Rajasthan foundation: its composition, objective and function. 

Rajasthan Rajasthan Foundation was established on 30th March, 2001 with the objective of facilitating continuous communication and interaction to motivate theDiaspora for increasing their participation in thedevelopment activities of the state, with the Hon’bleChief Minister of Rajasthan as its Chairman, whileChief Secretary as Chairperson of its Executive Committee.   Objective: To motivate the Non residentrajasthanies … Read more

DMPQ: PPP is the need of the hour. Discuss the advantage attached with it? Give some example of PPP project in Rajasthan.

Rapid economic growth, growing urban population, increasing rural-urban migration, and all-round social and economic development have compounded the pressure on the existing infrastructure, and increased the demand–supply gap in most of the States. The Governments are experiencing increasing pressure from their citizens, civil society organizations, and the media to provide accessible and affordable infrastructure and … Read more

DMPQ: What are the issues with Service sector in Rajasthan? Provide solution to address those issues?

The service sector provides a service, not an actual product that could be held in your hand. Activities in the service sector include retail, banks, hotels, realestate, education, health, socialwork, computer services, recreation, media, communications, electricity, gas and water supply. Services contribute 47.41% to the GDP in Rajasthan. Even tough service sector growth rate is 9.90%. It is facing some issues such as: Infrastructure bottlenecks: Power shortage … Read more

DMPQ: Give  in brief an account on mineral resource in Rajasthan? Discuss the scheme in operation to extract minerals.

Rajasthan is the richest state in terms of availability and variety of minerals in the Country. It has deposits of 81 different types of minerals. Out of these, 57 Minerals are being currently mined. Rajasthan is the sole producer of lead and zinc ores and concentrate,Selenite and Wollastonite. Almost entire production of Silver, Calcite and … Read more

DMPQ: Discuss the importance of animal husbandry sector with special refernce to Rajasthan? Discuss the key initiative taken by Government of Rajasthan.

Parallel to agriculture, animal husbandry is a key sector of rajasthan especially in arid and semi arid areas. It is not merely subsidiary to agriculture but a major component in Rajasthan economy. The importance of animal husbandry are: It provide insurance to the farmers in the rainfed region. Especially for the semi arid and arid … Read more

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