Philosophical Basis Of Governance (1)

 Philosophical basis of governance Governance is the exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to manage a country’s affairs at all levels. It comprises mechanisms, processes, and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations, and mediate their differences. The challenge for all societies is … Read more

2.4 Dedication To Public Service (2)

 Dedication: Definition   Dedication suggests voluntary commitment rather than rigidity.  Dedication is calm and measured. There is no element of harshness or punishment in dedication. If discipline is the stick, then dedication is a voluntary willingness and desire to reach for the carrot without the threat of that stick. Dedication implies a level … Read more

Strengthening Of Ethical And Moral Values In Governance

 Strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance The notion of “Good Governance” has become the buzzword these days in wake of globalization. Good governance is commonly described as a style of governance that is efficient, effective, responsive, corruption free and citizen friendly for ensuring people’s trust in government and promoting social harmony, … Read more

2.5 Empathy (1)

 Empathy: Definition The term “empathy” is used to describe a wide range of experiences. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people’s emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to … Read more

Universal Human Values

 Universal human values Truth Truth is considered as the highest human value connected with the intellectual domain of personality. We accord highest value among the five human values to truth. Because in our firm faith resides its infallibility. Truth is the essence of all world religion and the distinguished hallmark of glory and … Read more

Ethical Teachings4

 Ethical teachings Ravindra Nath Tagore An open vision of Tagore In a society, an individual can develop skill and knowledge through rigorous attempts to cope with the challenges of the environment. With this conscious attempt of survival in a given society, an individual shapes his/her own personality. This ever-evolving process of personality, corresponds … Read more

Dimensions Of Ethics (1)

 Dimensions of ethics Dimensions of ethics is a set of questions that arise when considering how one ought to act, morally speaking. Normative ethics is distinct from meta-ethics because it examines standards for the rightness and wrongness of actions. There are various approach to this. These are the important dimensions of ethics: Meta … Read more

Moral Thinkers (1)

 Moral thinkers Rabindranath Tagore The centre of Tagore’s philosophy was man of god. Even his concept of God was influenced by the humanism inherent in his outlook. The supreme reality thus according to Tagore, essentially human and could be realised only through love of man. Love of God was thus translated into love … Read more

Ethics In International Funding

 Ethics in international funding Historically speaking, internationalisation has been linked to commerce, but the advent of trade predates international trade, as we know it today. To this end, it is interesting to note how, right from the very beginning, the spread of rules and customs often took on a near sacred character in … Read more

Stereotypes In Indian Context

 Stereotypes in Indian context A stereotype is a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people. The use of stereotypes is a major way in which we simplify our social world; since they reduce the amount of processing (i.e. thinking) we have to do when we meet a new … Read more

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